Author: MomT

Jungle Tot

Day 5

Story – Are you my Mother? Activity – Cupcake Dog You will need: A cupcake Icing Oreos (or equivalent) Smarties / chocolate buttons Decorate as


Day 5

Play – Tic Tac Toe (Inside or Outside) You will need:  Sticks/ pavers / pegs /pool noodle/chop sticks Use your imagination to make the outline.


Day 4

Play – Take a picture of your hen and ask your child the following : What can a Real Hen Do? A hen can lay


Day 4

Song Old Mac Donald had a farm      Ee i ee i o Old Mac Donald had a farm      Ee i ee


Day 4

Activity 2 Make a Hen using a toilet roll.   You will need: Bright paper Toilet Roll Glue Black Pen Draw feathers, a beak, a crown


Day 4

Story – Are you my Mother? Activity – Creating a Hen using hand print. You will need:  Paper Paint Markers Crayons Paint your child’s hand


Bubble Magic

Age: From 6 Months Old Most Babies are fascinated by bubble. Sit your baby in a bouncy chair or car seat and blow bubble around


Peek A Boo

Materials needed: Small toys or books, blanket What to do: Place a toy or book under a blanket, leaving part of the object showing. Then

Jungle Tot

Day 3

Play – Paw Prints Print or draw and cut out the paw prints.  Arrange them on the floor, creating a path that children can walk