Category: Baby Programme

Baby Programme


Babies typically prefer a female voice over a male voice, which may explain why people raise the pitch of their voice when talking to babies.

Baby Programme


A baby cannot taste salt until it is 4 month old. The delay maybe related to the development of kidneys which start to process sodium

Baby Programme

Smiling Faces

New babies prefer looking at a drawing of a face rather than a random pattern and they prefer smiling faces to grumpy ones!

Baby Programme


Memory Children don’t remember much before the age of 3 due to what physiologist call ‘infantile amnesia’. Neuroscientists believe that early experiences never make it

Baby Programme

Inner Ear

The inner ear is the only sense organ to develop fully before birth. It reaches its adult size by the middle of pregnancy.  

Baby Programme

Dance with Joy

Age: From 4 Months Old Who says that babies only need lullabies and Mozart? Shake up your musical menu and have a little dance party

Baby Programme


Age: From 3 Months Old Your baby loves having the chance to watch your face and this game will help sharpen their visual skills too.

Baby Programme

Rolling Ball

Age: From 2 Months Old Your baby will soon be able to raise their head up for a second or two lying on their tummy.


Bubble Magic

Age: From 6 Months Old Most Babies are fascinated by bubble. Sit your baby in a bouncy chair or car seat and blow bubble around


Peek A Boo

Materials needed: Small toys or books, blanket What to do: Place a toy or book under a blanket, leaving part of the object showing. Then