It’s Playtime! Simple Developmental Activities to Try with Your Tot

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Stumped on ideas for how to play with your baby? These fun and easy activities help stimulate your infant’s development — and bring on some adorable smiles and giggles. And remember, much of your baby’s learning in her first year will happen naturally as you talk, read, make faces, and interact with her every day.

One of the earliest ways your baby will learn to play. Infants always sleep on their back to reduce the risk of SIDs, but its also recommend that babies get plenty of tummy time when they’re awake and alert enough to play. Tummy time helps develop your baby’s neck and upper-body muscles for better head control and also helps prevent the back of her head from becoming flat. The AAP says you can begin tummy time the first day your baby is home from the hospital. Place her on her tummy for three to five minutes at a time, up to three times a day or as often as she seems to enjoy it. Increase tummy time as your baby gets older and stronger, and place toys in front of her to encourage reaching, creeping, and eventually crawling.

Babies love to explore the world through touch. Allow your little one to feel the different parts of your face and his stuffed animals’ faces with his hands. Say the names of the parts of the face as he touches them, and direct your baby’s hand to touch his own nose, mouth, ears, and more. Guide your baby’s hands to your face while you speak and make facial expressions so that he can get to know how we use our faces to communicate.



Boxes are so much fun! There’s no need to buy fancy blocks to build your infant’s motor skills. Wrap up some smaller boxes (such as cereal boxes or shoe boxes) with recycled newspaper or wrapping paper and allow your baby to handle them and learn to rip them open. She will love the sound of the paper ripping as she pulls on it. She will also enjoy stacking boxes, knocking them over, and rebuilding the stack with your help.



You can turn just about toy into a pull-along toy. Simply attach a piece of yarn or a shoelace to your baby’s toy truck or the arm of his stuffed animal, and encourage your little one to give it a tug. He’ll be delighted to see the effect of pulling his toy on a string! As he begins to crawl, put the string just out of his reach so that he has to move to grab it and reel-in his toy.



What could be better than making your baby laugh? It’s not just good for your soul — it helps her develop her sense of a humor, which is an important part of human communication. Pay attention to whatever your baby finds funny, and repeat it. Use props like funny hats, big sunglasses, and mirrors to make your baby giggle




It’s not polite to point — unless you’re a baby (or playing with a baby)! Carry your baby around and point to different objects and things while saying what they are. Even if your baby isn’t showing signs of speaking or making many sounds yet, he is listening and observing as you speak. Point to things and ask, “What’s this?” You’ll be amazed one day when he is able to answer you!

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