My name is Sonja and I have been the workshop leader in Somerset West for the last 16 years.

map coming soon
Sonja Pretorius | Moms & Tots | Somerset West
My name is Sonja and I have been the workshop leader in Somerset West for the last 16 years – and I am still loving it! I am situated right in the middle of the Gordon\’s bay, Somerset West, Stellenbosch area – so easy access for everyone.
I studied teaching – so I have always loved working with children. I will be forever grateful that this opportunity came my way. I get to be a part of such an exciting part of your tots development – and I can enjoy it as much as you as a Mom does. I feel very blessed to have been a part of so many Moms and Tots journeys over all these years.
I look forward to welcoming you here and to be a part of your journey too.
Behind every young CHILD WHO BELIEVES IN himself is a parent WHO BELIEVED FIRST