Tag: activities


Day 5

Activity – Give the Dog a Bone You will need: Two paper Cups (Substitute toilet troll if need be) Coloured paper Pom Pom Black Marker


Bubble Magic

Age: From 6 Months Old Most Babies are fascinated by bubble. Sit your baby in a bouncy chair or car seat and blow bubble around

Jungle Tot

Day 2

DAY 2 Balloon Tennis You will need paper plates, craft sticks and a balloon. Let the children colour in the paper plates, stick the craft

Jungle Tot

Day 2

DAY 2  Story – Are you my Mother? Activity 1 – Draw a picture of your family Song – There were Five in the Bed

Jungle Tot

Day 1

DAY 1 Story – Are you my Mother? Activity 1 – Draw a picture of a bird nest Activity 2 – Walk outside and pick