Category: Games


Disappearing Cheerio

Materials needed: Cheerios, opaque plastic cups What to do: Create your own version of the old-fashioned shell game by hiding a Cheerio under a cup

Baby Programme

Clap With Me

Materials needed: None What to do: Around 6 to 8 months of age, your child will learn to clap, so encourage them with this rhyme:



Materials needed: Wooden puzzles What to do: Around your babies first birthday, they will be ready for large wooden puzzles, Suggested with colorful shapes or



Materials needed: Plastic measuring cups What to do: Take turns stacking the cups and knocking them down. You can also have a “race,”where you both


Splish Splash

Age: From Birth Water has such a joyful relaxing effect on children – feel free to take advantage any time of the day. Your baby


30 Days of Lego Play

Printable Lego Calendar click here> Follow the instructions for each day. The only rule is to have fun and use your imagination.      


Fun games to play with toddlers

Little ones between the ages of one and three are always absorbing new things. Their main mode for learning: Playtime. They begin by playing side-by-side


Indoor activities for toddlers

Indoor activities are great to have on hand for any age this time of year. But toddlers especially seem to get antsy and need some