Book 6 – Activity Set 3

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Story – The Snail and the Whale, Activity Set 3

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[bynd_core_column size=”1/2″]Activity 1 – Paper Plate Seagull

You will need: Scissors, a paper plate, orange paper a marker and either black paint or black crayons for the wing.


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[bynd_core_column size=”1/2″]Activity 2 – Wave Bottles
You will need: An empty bottle, water, a cup of baby oil or cooking oil, a few drops of blue food colouring and some plastic fish or sequins.  replace the cap.

Make waves by turning the bottle sideways and rocking it gently. [/bynd_core_column]

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Play – Crab Walk

Children crawl like a crab from one point to another. After children have had some practice have them figure out a way to carry a bean bag while crawling lie a crab. “Walk” forwards, backwards and from side to side.


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