Author: MomT


Splish Splash

Age: From Birth Water has such a joyful relaxing effect on children – feel free to take advantage any time of the day. Your baby

Jungle Tot

Day 1

DAY 1 Story – Are you my Mother? Activity 1 – Draw a picture of a bird nest Activity 2 – Walk outside and pick


Stationary List Shopping

We’d suggest the following items to try and stock up on while we are in lock down: Coloured Pencils & Cardboard Paper Plates Ziploc Bags


Goo Sensory Bags

It’s gooey and squishy without any mess! It’s calming too. Like a Zen sand garden for children in bright colors. Make shapes or pattens or


My Stay At Home to Do List

Ideas to make things easier at home: Appreciate that I have a place to stay inside Be patient with people around me who may feel


30 Days of Lego Play

Printable Lego Calendar click here> Follow the instructions for each day. The only rule is to have fun and use your imagination.      


Edible Gluten Free No Cook Playdough

Edible dough? Yum! But need a gluten-free option for those sensitive tummies? Made from four easy ingredients from your kitchen, this colorful playdough’s fun-life will


Fun games to play with toddlers

Little ones between the ages of one and three are always absorbing new things. Their main mode for learning: Playtime. They begin by playing side-by-side