Book 5 – Day 46

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[bynd_core_column size=”1/2″]Story – How to Find an Elephant

Activity 1 – Edible Crickets

You will need:  marshmallows, peanut butter or chocolate icing, pretzel rods, edible eyes (tic tacs cut in half, or small pieces of marshmallow).  Use the pretzel sticks to join 3 marshmallows together, cover with either icing or peanut butter, add the pretzel sticks as antlers and legs.


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[bynd_core_column size=”1/2″]Activity 2 – Cricket painting

You will need, plastic bugs or animals, paint and paper.  Dip the feet of the plastic bugs or animals into the paint, and create your own picture.


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[bynd_core_column size=”1/2″]Rhyme – The Bug


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[bynd_core_column size=”1/2″]Play – Head outside, and see how many insects you can find!



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