Tag: Baby

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Milestones – 4 Months

Your baby at 4 months Your baby is growing even more social and moving in a purposeful manner. Babies at this age love to babble

Baby Programme

Catch Me

Age: From 4 Months Old Attach a small soft toy to a brightly coloured ribbon. Dangle it in front of your baby and make it

Baby Programme

Sensory Ball All Ages

What do you need: Different sized balls. Craft stickers Feathers Foil Bubble Wrap Foam Numbers Velcro / Felt Dots How To Play: Using a glue

Baby Programme


Babies typically prefer a female voice over a male voice, which may explain why people raise the pitch of their voice when talking to babies.

Baby Programme

Inner Ear

The inner ear is the only sense organ to develop fully before birth. It reaches its adult size by the middle of pregnancy.  


Time for Bonding

1a Time for Bonding (0-3 month old) Your baby is learning the rhythms of sleep, feeding, digestion and elimination When wake, she needs to be


Bubble Magic

Age: From 6 Months Old Most Babies are fascinated by bubble. Sit your baby in a bouncy chair or car seat and blow bubble around

Baby Programme

Clap With Me

Materials needed: None What to do: Around 6 to 8 months of age, your child will learn to clap, so encourage them with this rhyme: