Category: Crafts


Day 4

Story – Are you my Mother? Activity – Creating a Hen using hand print. You will need:  Paper Paint Markers Crayons Paint your child’s hand


Stationary List Shopping

We’d suggest the following items to try and stock up on while we are in lock down: Coloured Pencils & Cardboard Paper Plates Ziploc Bags


Goo Sensory Bags

It’s gooey and squishy without any mess! It’s calming too. Like a Zen sand garden for children in bright colors. Make shapes or pattens or


My Stay At Home to Do List

Ideas to make things easier at home: Appreciate that I have a place to stay inside Be patient with people around me who may feel


Edible Gluten Free No Cook Playdough

Edible dough? Yum! But need a gluten-free option for those sensitive tummies? Made from four easy ingredients from your kitchen, this colorful playdough’s fun-life will


Ice Chalk

Cool off this summer while creating amazing works of art with Ice chalk this takes seconds to make and will keep the kids playing for


Paper Rainbows

This is a quick craft to make, so it can be a perfect  project for hands on scissor practice in the classroom as it doubles